

Pitched To Indian Navy, Germany Developed AIP Submarine Navigates Below Arctic Ice For The First Time

A conventionally-powered Portuguese attack submarine manufactured by Germany’s Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW) recently concluded its first voyage under the Arctic ice. A German submarine has...

India, Russia Close To “Landmark” JV Pact On S-400 Triumf AD System; A New Chapter In Defense Alliance?

Russia and India are reportedly close to establishing a joint venture to set up local maintenance and repair facilities for the formidable S-400 air...

After IAF Su-30 MKIs, Japan Gears-Up For ‘Aerial Duel’ Against Rafale Jets; Will Drill With Eurofighters Too

Japan is leaving no stone unturned to boost the capabilities of its Air Force, which is providing them with an excellent opportunity to train...

Russia’s S-500 Radar, US’ Global Hawk UAV ‘Annihilated’ In Info War: Bloggers Continue To Make Wild Claims

Days after some pro-Krelmin Telegram channel claimed that the Russian military had shot down a US RQ-4B Global Hawk UAV over the Black Sea,...

US Navy “Practicing To Sink” China’s 40-000 Ton Aircraft Carrier/Type-75 Warship During RIMPAC Drills – State Media

The United States military is set to sink a decommissioned warship, ex-USS Tarawa, during the Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise 2024 near Hawaii....
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