Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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EurAsian Region

Russians Claim MiG-31 Foxhound ‘Shot Down’ US Global Hawk Drone After ATACMS Attack On Crimea

After Russia held the United States accountable for Ukraine’s ATACMS strike on Crimea that killed several civilians, claims emerged on social media suggesting that...

ATACMS ‘Defeats’ Russia’s S-500; Breaches Airspace For 1st Time Defended By ‘BEST’ SAMs – Media

Tensions between Russia and the United States have dangerously escalated following a devastating missile strike on Sevastopol, Crimea, which Russian officials claim was carried...

US Snoops On China’s Fujian, Russia Spies On Israeli Submarine – Experts Open Can Of Worms On Naval Espionage

After allegations of US military snooping on China's Fujian aircraft carrier, now there are claims that Russia could be gathering critical intelligence on Israel’s...

Ukraine’s F-16 Airfields Are Burning; Reports Say Russia Strikes Ukrainian Bases With Kalibr Cruise Missiles

As Ukraine readies to welcome the first batch of F-16 fighters, there has been an uptick in Russian air strikes targeting Ukrainian airfields in...

Russia Unveils ‘Daring’ Air Combat Tactics That Wreaked Havoc On German Fighter Pilots During GPW

On the 83rd anniversary of the Great Patriotic War (GPW of WWII), the Russian Ministry of Defense released a trove of archival documents shedding...