Monday, July 8, 2024

Sakshi Tiwari

1820 POSTS
Sakshi Tiwari has studied journalism from the prestigious Indian Institute of Mass Communication and holds a masters’ degree in Defense and National Security. An avid defense enthusiast, she can be reached at sakshi.tiwari9555 (at)

Two Russian Submarines Fire Torpedoes At Each Other During Baltic Drills; Comes After Nuclear Sub Popped-Up Near US

Despite a rude jolt to its naval fleet in the ongoing Ukraine War, the Russian Navy has been projecting power through its submarine forces. State...

Russia Plans 90-000-Ton ‘Super Carrier’ Armed With Naval Su-57 Stealth Fighters To Counter US Navy, Ex-Admiral Says

Boasting a powerful navy once, the Russian Navy trails the United States and China -- two of the biggest naval powers in the world...

INSTC: In A Historic First, Russian Coal Reaches India Via Iran Using Int. North-South Transport Corridor

In another historic first in the Indo-Russian relationship and a possible snub to the US, a shipment of Russian coal arrived in India through...

US Military Aircraft Makes ‘Historic Landing’ At Iconic WWII Airstrip; Could Play A Key Role In War With China

A US Marine Corps fixed-wing aircraft landed at the historic Peleliu airstrip for the first time after the former World War-2 era Japanese airfield...

Russians Claim MiG-31 Foxhound ‘Shot Down’ US Global Hawk Drone After ATACMS Attack On Crimea

After Russia held the United States accountable for Ukraine’s ATACMS strike on Crimea that killed several civilians, claims emerged on social media suggesting that...

Sakshi Tiwari

1820 POSTS
Sakshi Tiwari has studied journalism from the prestigious Indian Institute of Mass Communication and holds a masters’ degree in Defense and National Security. An avid defense enthusiast, she can be reached at sakshi.tiwari9555 (at)