Sakshi Tiwari

1817 POSTS
Sakshi Tiwari has studied journalism from the prestigious Indian Institute of Mass Communication and holds a masters’ degree in Defense and National Security. An avid defense enthusiast, she can be reached at sakshi.tiwari9555 (at)

China’s 1st Indigenously-Developed ‘Shandong’ Aircraft Carrier Deployed Near Philippines – State Media

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) deployed the aircraft carrier 'Shandong' near the Philippines’ waters just days after a massive scuffle broke out...

“Hardest Hitting” Su-34 Fighter Remains Russia’s Top Warplane Despite ‘Staggering Loses’ – Expert

With its capability to fire glide bombs and destroy large Ukrainian formations, the Su-34 Fullback fighter bomber remains the most critical asset for the...

Pitched To Indian Navy, Germany Developed AIP Submarine Navigates Below Arctic Ice For The First Time

A conventionally-powered Portuguese attack submarine manufactured by Germany’s Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW) recently concluded its first voyage under the Arctic ice. A German submarine has...

Russia’s S-500 Radar, US’ Global Hawk UAV ‘Annihilated’ In Info War: Bloggers Continue To Make Wild Claims

Days after some pro-Krelmin Telegram channel claimed that the Russian military had shot down a US RQ-4B Global Hawk UAV over the Black Sea,...

US Navy “Practicing To Sink” China’s 40-000 Ton Aircraft Carrier/Type-75 Warship During RIMPAC Drills – State Media

The United States military is set to sink a decommissioned warship, ex-USS Tarawa, during the Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise 2024 near Hawaii....

Sakshi Tiwari

1817 POSTS
Sakshi Tiwari has studied journalism from the prestigious Indian Institute of Mass Communication and holds a masters’ degree in Defense and National Security. An avid defense enthusiast, she can be reached at sakshi.tiwari9555 (at)
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