Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Sakshi Tiwari

1813 POSTS
Sakshi Tiwari has studied journalism from the prestigious Indian Institute of Mass Communication and holds a masters’ degree in Defense and National Security. An avid defense enthusiast, she can be reached at sakshi.tiwari9555 (at)

US Navy “Practicing To Sink” China’s 40-000 Ton Aircraft Carrier/Type-75 Warship During RIMPAC Drills – State Media

The United States military is set to sink a decommissioned warship, ex-USS Tarawa, during the Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise 2024 near Hawaii....

China Furious With Pakistan Over Terror Attacks On Its Citizens, Infra; Military Launches ‘Azm-i-Istehkam’

A new and ‘reinvigorated’ counter-terrorism operation (Azm-i-Istehkam) has received approval from the Pakistani government to thwart the increase in attacks on Chinese nationals in...

North Korean ‘MIRV’ Tech Threatens Mainland US; Degrades US Ability To Defend From Nuclear Missile Attack

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) announced on June 27 that it had tested a multi-warhead missile. If the claims are true,...

Two Russian Submarines Fire Torpedoes At Each Other During Baltic Drills; Comes After Nuclear Sub Popped-Up Near US

Despite a rude jolt to its naval fleet in the ongoing Ukraine War, the Russian Navy has been projecting power through its submarine forces. State...

Russia Plans 90-000-Ton ‘Super Carrier’ Armed With Naval Su-57 Stealth Fighters To Counter US Navy, Ex-Admiral Says

Boasting a powerful navy once, the Russian Navy trails the United States and China -- two of the biggest naval powers in the world...

Sakshi Tiwari

1813 POSTS
Sakshi Tiwari has studied journalism from the prestigious Indian Institute of Mass Communication and holds a masters’ degree in Defense and National Security. An avid defense enthusiast, she can be reached at sakshi.tiwari9555 (at)